SpECseal Primer 25


SpECseal Primer 25 is a liquid primer used in the
preparation of joint surfaces prior to the use of
SpECseal 625.

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Technical Details

SpECseal Primer 25 is use when preparing porous surfaces such as concrete, brickwork, stonework, asbestos and timber and non-porous surfaces such as stainless steel and ceramics.


Specific Gravity 


Cure/Dry Time 

½ – 2½ hrs 
Pot life 

>24 hrs 

Surface preparation
Joint surfaces to be primed must be completely dry and free from all dirt, dust, cement laitance and other loose and deleterious matter. This is best achieved by grit or sand blasting or thorough wire brushing and then blowing clean with oil free compressed air prior to the installation of backer rod or bond breaker tape.

SpECseal Primer 25 is a two component primer. The base and hardener components should be mixed together for 2 minutes to produce a uniform consistency.

The primer should be applied to clean, dry surfaces prior to the installation of backer rod or bond breaker tape. The freshly mixed SpECseal 625 should be applied after the primer solvent has been released and when it is just touch dry. The sealant should be applied ½ – 2½ hours after priming.

If the primer is left to dry longer than 2½ hours the surfaces must be re-primed prior to applying the sealant. Allow to become tacky before installing SpECseal 625.
SpECseal Primer 25 is available in 1 litre pack.
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