SpECbuild MC500 Fibre

Single-component, fibre-reinforced mortar for concrete repairs.

SpECbuild MC500 Fibre is a high-performance, single-component mortar designed for the repair of concrete structures exposed to challenging environments. Its unique formulation includes synthetic fibres and water-retaining additives, ensuring enhanced durability and resistance against sulphate and chloride attacks.
Ideal for both new and existing concrete, SpECbuild MC500 Fibre effectively compensates for hygrometric shrinkage while providing excellent adhesion and mechanical strength.

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Technical Details

Typical Uses:
– Shotcrete
– Repairs floors that require resistance to oils, lubricants and which are subject to heavy abrasion such as those typically found in industrial environments.
– All types of structural repair requiring application by trowel or spray.
– Repair of load bearing elements such as reinforced columns, pre-stressed or post-tensioned beams and slabs, etc.
– Canal linings, water retaining and water excluding structures, tunnels and manholes in particular, utilities that require resistance to sulphate attack.
– Repairs to concrete in marine environments or those that require resistance to chloride ingress.
– Repair and reinstatement of concrete cover damaged by corroded reinforcing steel.
– Repairs to industrial facilities including oil and gas, marine and other structures operating under extreme working environments.
– Filling of rigid joints (e.g. between base and column, cracks in floors, joints between walls, etc.).
– Repair of precast structures.
– High-performance single-component formulation ensures easy application and consistent results.
– Contains synthetic fibres that enhance tensile and flexural strength, providing improved crack resistance.
– Excellent adhesion properties, making it suitable for both new and existing concrete repairs.
– Resistant to sulphate and chloride attacks, ideal for use in aggressive environments.
– Compensates for hygrometric shrinkage, reducing the risk of cracking during curing.
– Versatile application methods available (trowel or spray), accommodating various project requirements.
– Suitable for structural repairs of load-bearing elements, ensuring longevity and safety.
– Quick setting time allows for faster project completion without compromising performance.
– Can be used in marine environments, offering solutions for structures exposed to challenging conditions.
– Efficient filling of rigid joints, enhancing the integrity of concrete installations.

SpECbuild MC500 Fibre is formulated with advanced materials to provide superior performance in various applications. The following technical information highlights the key properties of this product:

Property Test Method Result
Tensile Strength ASTM C307 5 N/mm² at 28 days
Water Absorption ISAT BS EN 1881-208 10 minutes: 0.025 ml/m²/sec
30 minutes: nil
Setting Time BS EN 196-3 Initial: 2.0 hours
Final: 4.0 hours
Linear Shrinkage ASTM C531-00 0.060% at 7 days
Fresh Wet Density 2150 kg/m³
Compressive Strength ASTM C109 65 N/mm² at 28 days
Flexural Strength ASTM C348 9 N/mm² at 28 days
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 5 x 10^-6 /K

Application of SpECbuild MC500 Fibre is crucial for achieving optimal performance and durability in concrete repairs. Proper preparation and methods will enhance the longevity of the repair work. Below are the essential steps for successful application:

Preparing the Substrate:
– Remove all degraded and/or loose concrete until a sound and solid substrate is achieved.
– Where necessary, clean the concrete and reinforcing steel by sweep blasting or other approved mechanical methods to remove all dirt, corrosion products, cement laitance, grease, oil, previous coatings, and other deleterious elements.
– Any previous repairs that are no longer thoroughly bonded must also be removed.
– Pre-soak the substrate with clean, potable grade water to obtain a saturated surface dry (SSD) condition. Preparing the Mortar:
– Pour into the mixer or a rust-free mixing vessel the pre-gauged amount of potable grade water needed to obtain the required consistency.
– For Trowel application, use 2.75 – 3.25 litres of water per 25 kg bag.
– For Spray application, use 3.25 – 3.75 litres of water per 25 kg bag.
– Start the mixer and slowly add the complete bag of SpECbuild MC500 Fibre to the water in a continuous flow. Mix for 1 to 2 minutes, checking for a well-blended mix. Scrape any unmixed powder from the bottom and sides of the mixer and mix again for a further 2 to 3 minutes.
– Depending on the amount of mixed material required, a mortar mixer or a slow speed heavy-duty drill with an appropriate mixing paddle may also be used. Avoid mixing manually as this may adversely affect several of the mortar’s characteristics. Application Methods:
– SpECbuild MC500 Fibre may be applied by trowel to vertical surfaces in layers up to 60 mm thick or for overhead applications in layers up to 30 mm thick without the use of formwork.
– In cases where higher buildup of SpECbuild MC500 Fibre is required, leave the surface of the previous layer in a rough condition, allow to harden, then wet the surface with water prior to applying the second layer.
– It can also be spray applied using a suitable piston or worm-screw type rendering machine, such as a Turbosol or Putzmeister. Do not use a continuous mixing type rendering machine. Curing:
– In accordance with good concrete practice, all exposed surfaces of SpECbuild MC500 Fibre must be immediately cured after application, using wet hessian covered with polythene sheeting. Failure to cure the open surfaces can cause the formation of cracks due to plastic shrinkage, especially in hot and/or windy climatic conditions. Reinforcement Steel Preparation:
– For repairing concrete elements damaged due to reinforcement corrosion, it is recommended to use mechanical means of abrasion to remove corrosion deposits from the exposed reinforcement prior to coating with SpECcoat Zn25.

SpECbuild MC500 Fibre is packaged to ensure optimal usability and storage conditions:

Available in 25 kg bags.

Warranty Information:
For detailed warranty information regarding SpECbuild MC500 Fibre, please contact our team at SMCC using any of the contact methods provided on this page. We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

Product FAQ

SpECbuild MC500 Fibre is suitable for aggressive environments including those exposed to chloride and sulphate attacks, marine conditions, industrial facilities, and areas requiring resistance to oils and heavy abrasion.
SpECbuild MC500 Fibre can be applied in layers ranging from 20 mm to 60 mm thick. For overhead applications, layers can be up to 30 mm thick without the use of formwork.
SpECbuild MC500 Fibre can be applied using two main methods: trowel application for vertical surfaces up to 60 mm thick and overhead applications up to 30 mm thick, or spray application using suitable rendering machines like Turbosol or Putzmeister. For multiple layers, the previous layer should be roughened and wetted before applying.
All exposed surfaces of SpECbuild MC500 Fibre must be immediately cured after application using wet hessian covered with polythene sheeting. This prevents cracks due to plastic shrinkage, especially in hot or windy conditions. Additionally, spray water onto the surface within the first 8-12 hours and repeat for at least the first 48 hours to maintain moisture.
To prepare the substrate for application, remove all degraded and loose concrete until a sound and solid substrate is achieved. Clean the concrete and reinforcing steel using mechanical methods to eliminate dirt, corrosion products, cement laitance, grease, oil, and previous coatings. Ensure that any poorly bonded previous repairs are also removed. Finally, pre-soak the substrate with clean, potable grade water to achieve a saturated surface dry (SSD) condition.
In hot conditions, avoid direct sunlight on materials and equipment, store products in shaded areas, use cool mixing water, and mix only enough material for immediate application. In cold conditions, use water heated to approximately 20°C. Always ensure thorough mixing to achieve optimal properties and avoid manual mixing.


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