SpECgrout C1

High-strength, non-shrink cementitious grout for applications.

SpECgrout C1 is a ready-to-use, high-strength cementitious grout designed for various grouting applications. Its unique formulation ensures non-shrink properties, providing consistent performance and durability.
Ideal for use with anchor bolts, turbine base plates, and other structural elements, SpECgrout C1 offers excellent flow characteristics, making it suitable for both fluid and flowable application needs.

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Technical Details

SpECgrout C1 is versatile and suited for various grouting applications where performance consistency is crucial:.
– Anchor bolts
– Turbine base plates
– Generator base plates
– Pressing and milling machine base plates
SpECgrout C1 offers numerous advantages that make it an ideal choice for a variety of grouting applications. Its formulation is designed to ensure high performance and durability, providing reliable solutions for the most demanding projects. The key benefits include:
– Non-shrink
– Consistent performance
– High bond strength to concrete and steel
– High compressive strength at early ages, allowing minimal downtime on machinery
– Low permeability
SpECgrout C1 is engineered to deliver exceptional technical performance across a variety of applications. Below are the detailed technical specifications of this high-strength, shrinkage compensated cementitious grout:
Property Value Test Method
Compressive Strength (1 day) 25 N/mm² ASTM C109
Compressive Strength (3 days) 45 N/mm² ASTM C109
Compressive Strength (7 days) 55 N/mm² ASTM C109
Compressive Strength (28 days) 65 N/mm² ASTM C109
Flexural Strength (28 days) 9.0 N/mm² ASTM C348
Setting Time (Initial) 6 hours BS EN 196-3
Setting Time (Final) 7 hours BS EN 196-3
Gap Width (Minimum) 10mm
Gap Width (Maximum) 100mm
Application Temperature Range (Minimum) 5°C
Application Temperature Range (Maximum) 35°C
Shelf Life 12 months
Application of SpECgrout C1
Before applying SpECgrout C1, it is crucial to ensure proper surface preparation. This includes the following steps:
– Remove all grease, oil, and loose materials from the substrate.
– Soak the prepared substrate with clean water for several hours prior to grouting to avoid absorption that could affect flow characteristics.
– Any residual water on the surface should be removed using oil-free compressed air.
To achieve optimal results during placement, follow these guidelines:
– Ensure that the underside of the base plate is clean, free from any oil or grease, and has no geometry that could impede grout flow.
– If there are cruciforms present, air release holes should be drilled through the base plate to avoid trapping air which reduces contact area.
– All formwork must be sealed properly to prevent grout loss during pouring. It should be tight against the base plate and parallel to the direction of flow with appropriate gaps at pouring hoppers.
Once the grout is mixed, pour it immediately to leverage its high flow properties. Note the following:
– The grout should be poured within 20 minutes after mixing to maintain its fluidity.
– Grout should only be poured from one side of the base plate to prevent air entrapment. Maintain a continuous flow during application.
SpECgrout C1 is available in the following packaging:
– Supplied in 25kg bags.
– Each bag, when mixed with water, will provide approximately 16.0 litres of mixed material, depending on water addition.

For warranty information regarding SpECgrout C1, please reach out to our team at SMCC. We are here to assist you with any inquiries or support you may need. You can contact us using any of the methods provided on this page.

Product FAQ

The curing method for SpECgrout C1 involves immediately applying a SpECcure curing membrane to all exposed areas of the grout after grouting is completed.
SpECgrout C1 is suitable for grouting anchor bolts, turbine base plates, generator base plates, and pressing and milling machine base plates.
SpECgrout C1 should be mixed using a slow-speed electric drill fitted with a SpEC Mixing Paddle. For optimal results, mix the grout for at least five minutes after adding the specified amount of water (5.5 to 7.25 liters per 25kg bag) to ensure proper dispersion of ingredients. It is crucial to pour the grout within 20 minutes after mixing to utilize its high flow properties effectively.
Store SpECgrout C1 in original containers in a cool, dry environment.
The application temperature range for SpECgrout C1 is 5°C to 35°C.
Tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately with water, as hardened material can only be removed mechanically.


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